
Showing posts from April, 2020

Working from home?

It's so much tougher than expected. I would have said that in spite of certain eccentricities, my household is a pretty happy one. Yet, there are so many days where one of us (usually me) is griping at the other. There's no rhyme or reason to it, and has much to do with what our respective employers want from us. Mine is expecting me to get on with things at home in preparation for September. All fine with me, it's my preference in terms of what I do to earn my money. I won't go into the fact I'm being asked to do things for my new role that starts in September already. That is a little annoying, but I've dealt with worse in the past. The husband, on the other hand, seems to not need to do much at all. The occasional checking of emails, the odd response here and there and his work is done. Ever since I've known him, he's made it look like he gets away with doing next to nothing. Almost seven years later I'm still trying to work out how he does

Have we been "punk'd"?

...Let's hope so... I can't help feeling that any day now we will have people jumping out from behind the scenes, telling us it's all been one big wind up. This morning, I woke up to notifications that Trump has decided that the USA will stop funding the World Health Organization. Simply for the reason that Trump has once again changed his rhetoric on his administration's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. He is doing all he can to convince the world that he is the only person who knows what he's doing. The medical experts, the epidemiologists and the research scientists know absolutely nothing about this virus. But Donald Trump does. And suddenly Covid-19 is a conspiracy theory dreamt up by the WHO, not by China (who had designed the disease a couple of weeks ago...). You really can't make this stuff up. The man just has too much power and wants to use it to the detriment of the world's population while he is able. With any luck this farce of a pre

Politics is a stage...

...and all the politicians merely players. The Covid-19 pandemic is fast becoming a political hotbed for future point scoring. The mundane questioning by some journalists at the daily press briefings and the inane and deflecting responses from the minister of the day are all pointing one way: we will never be certain that the right decisions were made. Why would a journalist ask such a pointed question as "based on what you know now, should the levels of personal protective equipment have been higher sooner?". Of course things will change as the scientists learn more about the virus. Surely that's a given? But to say "we should have done this before we knew about it" is rather akin to locking the stable after the horse has bolted. is it not? Equally, when faced with questions regarding the capacity of the NHS, how well-prepared it was for this crisis (and would be for another crisis that may happen again in the future), the minister of the day doesn't w