The schools issue
Disclaimer: From the outset, this post is likely to be plagued with my own opinions on the state of the public education system in the UK and the things that plague it. Where I may have done research and found something to corroborate or refute the idea, I will create a link so you can see that for yourself. That said, most of this is a reflection of my own experiences. Why are our schools in such a state? This is the question being asked subtly since the whole furore of increasing provision in schools was mooted in the prime minister's pre-recorded address on 10th May. Overtly, the teacher bashing that has been taking place in the media, on social media and by the government is utterly horrific and incredibly ill-informed. There is a (rather frustrating) misconception amongst a rather vociferous section of the population that since schools closed their gates to all but the children of key workers and vulnerable children, teachers have been spending their time sat on their ...